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Cyber ​​attacks are one of the biggest problems of our age. In 2020, cybercrime increased significantly. As a result of companies bringing their operations online, ransomware and phishing attacks are expected to increase even more. Most antivirus or cybersecurity programs are able to detect and destroy viruses or malware. However, according to a new study, new malware has been found that cannot be destroyed even when it is deleted. It is said that this software is so powerful that you cannot even delete it when you format your computer. Here are the features of the new virus that survives even when deleted.

What do we know about this new virus that survives even when deleted?

Powerful solutions are required to eliminate strong virus software. Deleting the virus completely is the most effective cybersecurity solution we can implement. For this, you need to back up your files, reload your operating system. These are very time-consuming processes, but this is the only way to get around such powerful viruses.

However, a virus was discovered that cannot be destroyed even when you reset your computer. Discovered in China, the virus adds itself to Windows 10’s startup system. So it cannot be found on the hard drive like a normal file. Even if you delete the hard drive, it is not possible to remove it.

The virus places itself on the motherboard of the computer, so it cannot be found through the operating system. The virus has another unusual feature. When the virus infects your computer, it also places a Trojan file that allows the virus to be reinstalled when you try to remove it.

From the moment it infects your computer, it examines your movements, reviews your files, and transfers them to another server. The worst part is that, like other viruses, it can spread through e-mail attachments.

Where did the new virus that survives even when deleted come from?

According to another report, this virus originates in China or North Korea. It is said that government-sponsored hackers are behind the virus. Experts found inscriptions similar to Chinese in the code of the virus, and the target of the attack is thought to be the enemies of the North Korean government. It is even said that this virus may be a cyber weapon created by the Chinese or North Korean government.

What should you do if your computer is infected with this new virus that survives even when deleted?

The virus is thought to only target institutions and NGOs of European, Asian, and African origin, who have so far been enemies of North Korea. If you have not taken action against the North Korean or Chinese governments, they probably won’t target you. Still, you should be cautious about e-mails from people you do not know. In particular, we recommend that you consult someone before responding to messages containing e-mail attachments.

Here are the measures you can take against the virus!

If you don’t know the sender, ignore the email.

Under any circumstances, ignore e-mails from unknown users. If you are suspicious about an e-mail you got, you can send suspicious e-mails to your IT team with a single click using our Incident Response tool. In this way, these possible phishing e-mails can be checked quickly and necessary actions are taken before it is too late.

Be wary of emails with attachments, even if they come from someone you know.

Hackers can easily impersonate people you know or hijack their e-mails to reach you. You can use our Phishing Simulator to gain experience in this matter. Learning the main features of phishing emails through simulations was the most important step you could take in protecting yourself from phishing attempts.

“This post is originally published at”

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