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Today, most companies apply various tests in their recruitment process. With the increasing phishing attacks, in addition to the tests carried out during the recruitment process, cyber ​​security training has been given to potential employees. However, according to the latest research, the effect of these tests is concise. So, how often should cyber ​​security training be repeated?

The increase in cyberattacks during the pandemic started to worry everyone, including the company employees. In addition to the increasing number of ransomware attacks, we face more and more sophisticated phishing attacks every day. Due to this, companies should also change their cybersecurity environment, implement appropriate security training, and renew themselves. Every employee must be aware of current threats to be able to take effective measures.

How Long Does Cyber ​​Security Training Stay Effective?

Studies show that phishing training increases cybersecurity awareness at a high rate in the short term, but their effects decrease over time. According to the results, while the training remains very effective for 4 months, they have almost no effect after 6 months. That’s why it’s critical to set up cybersecurity programs to repeat every 4 to 6 months.

The experts announced the research in October, also known as National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month which has a different theme each year. This year’s Awareness Month theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart”. With this concept, they aim to increase the cyber awareness of companies and individuals.

The campaign aims to emphasize that cyber responsibility belongs to both the company and the employee. Both parties need to work hard for a proper cyber defense. Phishing training is perfect for this. Because today we receive thousands of phishing emails every day, which means that the emails managed to find us by circumventing various security measures. So, cyber security training and phishing simulations are essential to combat phishing emails. Also, it is critical that training is continuous. However, companies should adjust the training frequency so that they do not interrupt the work and do not bother the employees.

A single weak link in your company can cause your entire system to crash. You cannot be safe face to face until you have corrected all your weaknesses. That’s why you should create a cybersecurity program that covers all levels of your company.

How to Create a Good Cyber ​​Security Training Plan?

1. Support your employees in all areas with inclusive cybersecurity awareness training!

A good cybersecurity plan should include all kinds of tools from training to simulations, from surveys to reminders. This is exactly why our Cyber Security Awareness Training tool that we offer you is perfect for this job. With this tool, we offer you content like HTML5 Security Training and Animated Training Videos, extra materials such as Posters, Screensavers, Cyber Security Newsletters, Phishing Security Tips, Ninjio Animation Training Videos, gamified security awareness training. Our tool will help you provide the necessary training without boring your employees.

2. Make sure to add phishing simulations to your training plan!

As we mentioned in today’s article, phishing attacks are increasing every day and the hackers are developing their plans gradually. Phishing emails and messages reach our inbox, bypassing various firewalls. Since hackers prepare these messages exclusively for us, we fall into the trap quite quickly. In order to prevent attacks, we need to prepare ourselves for these situations with simulations. You can also try yourself with the free phishing tests we offer you. Start protecting yourself right away with our phishing simulator.

“This post is originally published at”

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