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Most of the attacks that have increased with the pandemic are attacks targeting bank accounts. There is a serious increase in the number of hackers who try to deceive consumers with phishing attacks by pretending to be from the bank they use. Accordingly, in America alone, more than $ 1.9 billion was lost due to phishing attacks on bank accounts in 2019. Losses are expected to be even higher in 2020 with rising attacks during the pandemic. That’s why in this blog, we give you 3 tips to protect your bank account from phishing. But before that, let’s learn more about the characteristics of phishing attacks against bank accounts.

We witness more diverse and more complex attacks recently. Every day, thousands of people turn their money over to scammers, believing in fake emails, texts, and calls from fraudsters pretending to be banks. Hackers deceive their targets by impersonating bank employees. The sole purpose of these calls or messages is to get victims’ personal information (such as account numbers, passwords, PINs, or birthdays) via text or phone.

Bank officials began appearing in television programs to analyze current phishing attacks, give suggestions about precautions, and talk about the issue in general. They have also announced the #BanksNeverAskThat campaign they created for this purpose. The campaign aims to raise awareness of people about attacks on banks.

What’s our suggestion on phishing attacks targeting bank accounts?

Here are 3 tips to protect your bank account from phishing.

1. Get familiar with phishing messages using phishing simulations.

On our list of 3 tips to protect your bank account from phishing, getting familiar with phishing messages comes first. Most people have no idea what phishing messages look like. So, it is crucial to raise awareness when it comes to cyber security. Our phishing simulation tool allows you to educate yourself about phishing. Using simulations and other supporting materials like training videos, posters, etc., you can prepare for attacks beforehand. You can also edit or change or customize phishing email templates and fake phishing URLs for your company. You can test your employee’s knowledge and awareness.

2. Share the possible risks within your company to inform others.

Second on our list of 3 tips to protect your bank account from phishing is sharing information. Everybody is prone to risks; it is better to unite than fight risks alone. Our threat sharing tool works for exactly this purpose. With this tool, you can inform community members of the possible malicious attacks increasing their threat intelligence. It also increases collaborative information, minimizes expenses, and helps speed up precautions. Another advantage of our Threat Sharing tool is that it is integrated with other cyber security tools. Any employee can exchange the threats they have found using other cyber security products and services.

3. Train your employees with interactive educational tools.

Next on our list is cyber security training. Everyone in the organization must understand the significance of defending themselves and their organization from user mistakes and cyber threats. Using Cyber Security training tools is the best way to ensure that everyone is trained for attacks. Our Cyber Security Awareness Training tool is closely connected with our Phishing Simulation platform. It immediately directs employees who are tricked by the simulated attacks to a suitable and entertaining e-learning course, which means that they become highly knowledgeable of attacks and better prepared to detect complex phishing attacks.

“This post is originally published at”

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