• Genel


    Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal confidential information or money. Cybercriminals can use social engineering tactics such as spear phishing by installing malicious software on your computer by stealing personal information.  They manipulate you to install malicious software or give your credentials under false masques. However, there are some signs…

  • Genel

    GDPR Awareness

    Keepnet Labs offers GDPR awareness, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requisite, that organizations have to keep privacy of collecting or processing the data of individuals in the European Union. In compliance GDPR programme, the ‘people’ factor is often overlooked. Staff awareness should be a major concern for organisations looking to comply with the EU General Data Protection…

  • Genel


    The internet of things (IoT) The internet of things (IoT) which has grown and been spreading in recent years, has added many innovations to our daily life. From the automotive sector to the white goods sector, from airplanes to various computer systems, the IoT continues to enter our lives every day. In the World Economic…

  • Genel


    Phishing awareness training Creating awareness among employees against phishing attacks and its consequences is the key to an organisation’s cybersecurity posture. Phishing emails remain a primary weapon of the cybercriminals. They use techniques that are continually evolving, focusing on human the tendency to make mistakes or gain financial profit. Today, 90% of all successful cyber-attacks have…

  • Genel


    Free phishing awareness training Phishing attacks are one of the most dangerous security challenges that both individuals and companies suffer to keep their data safe. Social engineers can seize passwords, credit cards, or other sensitive information, with phishing schemes using email, social media, phone calls, and any form of communication.  Especially spear phishing poses great…

  • Genel


    Free cybersecurity training Over 91% of system breaches have been caused by a phishing attack. Today, phishing attacks continue to be one of the successful attack genre initiated mostly by email. Especially, spear phishing, an attack schemed against a certain individual, has been popular to manipulate high-profile incidents. Best option to defend against phishing is…

  • Genel

    Phishing Threat Campaigns

    Phishing Threat Campaigns – Who are the biggest targets of phishing threats? End-users are the most affected targets against phishing scams since they are targets of many spear-phishing attacks. 1. What are Phishing Threat Campaigns?  Phishing Threat Campaigns are used in phishing simulation campaigns which utilises many email scams that bypass the email security and steal…

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