1. How Ransomware Attack Shut Down School System?
The attackers demanded a large amount of money to restore the system, but the ransom amount was not unveiled by school authorities. Related IT teams worked seriously to restore the system and school authorities contacted the NC Department of Public Safety, Emergency Management Division, FBI, SBI, North Carolina Microelectronics Center (MCNC), North Carolina Information Technology Department (NCDIT), National Guard, and others to brief them on the situation.
Other schools in North Carolina were also targeted by ransomware attacks. (See our information security awareness training)
All servers with school systems were shut down and removed from the network. Officials said they were optimistic that it would take time to understand the extent of the attack, but the data could be recovered soon.
As a high school and middle school online education started last week, elementary school students were going to learn how to spend their school days during the distance education period by conducting one-on-one interviews with teachers during the first week, but could not start classes after the ransomware attack. (See information security awareness training topics)
2. What to do to protect against a ransomware attack?
- Use most up-to-date anti-virus software,
- Keep the operating system up to date,
- Beware of emails from unknown sources,
- Do not click on the links and do not open file attachments in the email, instead, the call the sender by phone first confirm whether he/she has sent such an email,
- Use the best cyber security awareness training.
- Use phishing tests, to experience attacks in a safe environment.
3. Protect your organization against ransomware attacks with Keepnet!
By constantly training the employees using Cyber security awareness training, you will reduce the risks of Ransomware attacks. By teaching your employees how to understand suspicious emails and fake web pages, you increase your employees’ cyber security awareness against phishing attacks and malware attacks.
Keepnet Labs Information security awareness training programs, you are able to update your every employee, using HTML5 Educational Presentations, Cyber security awareness animation videos, Security posters, Security screensavers , Cyber Security Newsletters, Security Tips, Cyber security serious games.
Using our Phishing Simulation Module , you can use our email phishing template with more than 750+, English , German , French etc. in total 8 languages and each of them offers different phishing email campaigns. By customizing phishing campaigns specific to your organization, and then you can these real-world phishing campaigns to your employees, you can test their phishing awareness level.
You can review the results of the automatic phishing campaign and track live statistics such as how many people opened the phishing email, clicked the link, and the people who shared their information.
This blog had been published at www.keepnetlabs.com.