


Many companies started to take strict measures against the increasing attacks. But most companies still fail to fall victim to the attacks. So why can’t these companies protect themselves despite the efforts? Because they miss a crucial point. That is cybersecurity awareness training. According to researches, awareness training is regarded as the most effective measure against cyber ​​attacks.

Experts have started to frequently take place in their presentations to companies with awareness training, which is the most effective measure against cyber attacks. In these presentations, they explain how to plan the training and how it would work.

Here are the key points behind the most effective measure against cyber ​​attacks.

1. Many cybersecurity training currently in use is boring to employees.

Recently experts conducted research about the awareness programs. They surveyed employees about the programs. According to the survey, employees stated that they were very bored during the training process. Employees say that cybersecurity awareness is high, but people continue making mistakes in these pieces of training and business lives. The reason for this is that the models are not encouraging. Companies shouldn’t exaggerate the training programs, but they should support their programs with interactive content and games. Only in this way can it be effective.

The common feature of unsuccessful awareness training is that it makes employees look stupid. Companies often offer money as bait in these types of simulations. For example, as part of a phishing simulation, a company sends an email offering employees a bonus. The fake e-mail contained a fake link. When they click the link, the website wants them to enter their passwords and usernames.

When the employees found out that the e-mail was a simulation, they got very angry with the management because the simulation took place right after a collective layoff period. Even the time of the simulations is crucial for the effectiveness of the training.

2. Training loses its effectiveness when carried out too often or rarely.

According to experts, awareness training should not be repeated too often, even if it is considered the most effective measure against cyber attacks. Likewise, the measures lose their effect when training is not frequent enough. Accordingly, officials say the training should be held at least every three months, and frequent training and annoying content make employees feel stupid.

3. It is very important to make employees feel that it’s normal to make mistakes

Anyone can make mistakes. According to studies, the officials who organize awareness training make employees feel unsuccessful, which affects the course of the practice. What the trainers need to do in this regard is to tell their mistakes to the employees. In this way, employees will learn that the most competent people can make mistakes, and the important thing is to learn from these mistakes.

4. Training fails because when it is not integrated with the company’s structure.

Most awareness training fails because it is not well integrated into business life. In order for employees to digest the training, it must be implemented in all layers of the company and processed in daily life. To increase awareness, the company should include cybersecurity awareness in daily speeches and meetings. Also, the involvement of managers in training is a critical point. For this, IT experts may ask managers to make inspiring videos and speeches.

It is also vital that the authorities contact other departments while organizing the training. Interacting with others will increase the impact of the training and raise the awareness level of different departments. The pandemic period is perfect for testing the risks during the remote working period. It seems impossible for the IT team to plan simulation without support from department officials in such an environment.

What Should The Most Effective Measure Against Cyber ​​Attacks Include?

  • Companies should plan their cybersecurity programs according to the legal provisions. They should first determine their attitude towards collecting personal information.
  • IT experts should design the cybersecurity programs considering the awareness level of the employees. For this, you must first identify the points where employees have difficulty or make mistakes. You can analyze this through surveys or phishing tests.
  • After the company determines the needs, officials should plan cyber awareness training to meet these requirements. They should also use additional content like phishing games and videos to support phishing tests and simulations.
  • Phishing simulations are useful to ensure the permanency of awareness. This way, the company can align employees’ behavior with the current cybersecurity policy.
  • According to the results of the simulations, employees should not be penalized. Employees should understand that it is normal for them to make mistakes and that the simulation’s purpose is training.

“This post is originally published at”

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