


Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal confidential information or money. Cybercriminals can use social engineering tactics such as spear phishing by installing malicious software on your computer by stealing personal information.  They manipulate you to install malicious software or give your credentials under false masques.

However, there are some signs that indicate social engineering scam in an email message such as spelling and bad grammar. Since they are not expert on the use of good language or writing, cybercriminals can make grammar and spelling mistakes. Professional companies or organizations usually have an expert staff to write good and correct emails. If you notice spelling and grammar mistakes in an email, it might be a scam.

Moreover, beware of links in an email. don’t click on a link. Before clicking, bring your mouse (but don’t click) on the link to see if the address matches the link that was typed in the message.

Social engineering scams masked web address links might also lead you to .exe files. These files are known to spread malicious software.

What should you do if you receive a phishing email?

  • Do not hand over your customer number, login or password details. .
  • Do not reply to a phishing email. If you did, change your password as quickly as possible.
  • Never click a link in a phishing email. Because links in phishing emails often direct you to fake websites mostly to install malicious software.

Use Keepnet Labs Anti Phishing Solutions  and Awareness Platform for free against phishing attacks

No matter how secure your network or computers system and software, the weakest link in security posture,  people element can be exploited. Via phishing techniques, the most common social engineering techniques used in cyber attacks, it is easy to impersonate people acquainted, and get the information needed. Thus, traditional security solutions are not enough to reduce these attacks. Through simulated phishing platforms that send fake emails to test users, and to line employees interact with the email.

Today, 90% of all successful cyber-attacks have succeeded due to human error. Therefore,  employees must know the signs of social engineering schemes in emails or in the other communication tools and organizations need continual awareness education to provide employees with the right knowledge and understanding of different threats of social engineering attacks.

Whether a trainee, employee or CEO,  social engineering attacks can happen to anyone. An email can be a great danger that manipulates the user to click on a malicious link or to give away crucial information.

The best way to prevent social engineering threats is to train employees against the common tactics used by the social engineering. Keepnet Labs help people identify the ways that cybercriminals attempt to steal sensitive data by offering free training on phishing awareness.

“This post is originally published at”

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