Phishing Threat Campaigns – Who are the biggest targets of phishing threats?
End-users are the most affected targets against phishing scams since they are targets of many spear-phishing attacks.
1. What are Phishing Threat Campaigns?
Phishing Threat Campaigns are used in phishing simulation campaigns which utilises many email scams that bypass the email security and steal personal information from the end-user victims.
Many companies offer training modules along with phishing threat campaigns which raise security awareness for users. They come in different languages, managing phishing simulations to test campaigns to educate users on anti-phishing behaviour.
2. How to Report Phishing Threat Campaigns
Educating employees on identifying and reporting phishing emails will provide solidarity among employees and create a form of defence against cyber-attackers. You can train employees on cybersecurity awareness to reduce risk of leakages on personal information within organisations.
Use our Phishing Reporter to report Phishing Threat Campaigns. Our Phishing Reporter helps your employees to report suspicious emails to your SOC team or IT leaders to start an incident investigation instantly.
3. Use Phishing Simulation Tools To Start Your Own Phishing Threat Campaigns
Keepnet Labs has a free phishing simulator tool that provides user vulnerability results for your campaign and allows you to calculate overall risk levels across your entire user community.
Our simulated phishing test tool allows institutions to identify risky users and enrol them in another targeted phishing simulations and training to increase their security awareness level and reduce the risk of attack.
4. To Prevent Phishing Threat Campaigns Know What Risks Related to Email Services
There are many ways to use anti-phishing solutions to test for vulnerabilities.
The key evaluation categories are as follows:
- Prevention of data loss,
- Scan of weakness,
- Mischievous attachments,
- Misconfiguring,
- Attacks on the client side,
- Samples of Ransomware,
- File format is used
- Intelligence of Danger
5. How To Spot Phishing Threats
Phishing emails are one of the most popular starts for cyberattacks.
Can you spot out phishing scams without hesitation?
If you’d like to know how to spot out real emails from phishing scams, then you’d be doing the right thing by using Keepnet Labs Phishing Simulator. You’d be able to know if you can correctly spot phishing scams and if you can identify the risks targeting email services as mentioned in the point above. Keepnet Lab’s simulation tool allows you to test your institution for signs of phishing attacks, which will make it clearer and easier to see your email security situation and take action to strengthen your email vulnerabilities. You can teach your employees to tackle phishing scams by using Keepnet Labs Phishing Test tool.
“This post is originally published at”
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