Free anti phishing software – Phishing attacks attempt to deceive people into giving over their sensitive data, including their usernames and passwords, to harm individuals and organizations. These attacks can often look identical to those you are used to visiting, and they use very creative methods to entice people using their emotions. Fortunately, there are some free anti-phishing tools available you can use to stop these attacks:
Having the best antivirus software is the best way to safeguard against phishing attacks and other social engineering tactics. However, if your device has already been infected by malware, you have to get rid of it.
Free anti phishing software – Phishing Simulation
Simulated phishing campaigns will be carried out within the scope of social engineering schemes and the awareness level of employees on information security will be tested. However, other measurements can also be made using surveys and other methods proposed.
Thanks to our phishing software, social engineering tests can be utilized among the employees of different departments within the company and the information security awareness of the personnel working in different departments will be evaluated.
Security Awareness Training
Within the scope of this contract, short-term cyber awareness training is provided to senior management and head office employees. A longer-term and broad-themed orientation training is prepared for the newly recruited personnel.
Simulated phishing tests are carried out for users in different scenarios and campaigns / social engineering practices are prepared to increase security awareness. A detailed report is provided at the end of each test.
Upon the Company’s request, new phishing techniques or phishing scenarios are prepared within the Software, in line with the clients’ guidance.
Scenarios developed to test and train the awareness of users with phishing phishing tests; scenarios such as obtaining sensitive information, downloading and installing files, and code snippets that will enable remote code / command execution will be used.
Phishing risk tests are applied to the department or employee group to be determined by the company at various times within a calendar year.
As a result of the phishing tests, a risk map is prepared according to the information security awareness of the employees of different departments within the company and target-oriented training will be organized and completed in line with this result.
Weekly bulletins, posters, infographics, tips and sheets documents, screensavers, video training, and exams and surveys are prepared.
Serious games and other training contents belonging to 3rd party companies are integrated and be prepared for use in accordance with the clients’ license.
“This post is originally published at”
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