Why is Security Awareness Training Crucial? – In 2020, companies started to attach importance to security awareness training. In this blog, I’m going to introduce what Security Awareness Training is and why it’s important.
1 – What is Security Awareness Training?
Humans are the last line of defence in cybersecurity. If there is a vulnerability in a machine, you should fix it to avoid attacks. Likewise, if a human is vulnerable, you should cover up the vulnerability using the best cybersecurity training tools. Security awareness training is important since they are designed to raise security awareness against cyberattacks.
People have some vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit like emotions, consciences, fear and anger that might be most exploitable by attackers. However, security awareness training teaches you the ways of cybercriminals.
A good security awareness training should provide effective and memorable advice about reducing risks related to cybersecurity and IT.
2 – Why is Security Awareness Training Important?
Cyber threats are too many in your work environment. Also, cybercriminals often change their techniques. As I said above, people are the last line of defence, and cybercriminals know people provide soft ground to exploit.
Security awareness training provides knowledge to avoid cyberattacks. You shouldn’t expect from your employees to know what are the threats or how to avoid the threats. Employees need to be taught what clues to look for that determine risks and how to react when they see the risks.
According to statistics, many employees are not aware of the main risks breach data security and privacy. Some employees are not informed enough to realize what dangerous behaviours are. Many employees also don’t understand that cybersecurity is their responsibility.
These days, cybersecurity has become everyone’s responsibility. Security awareness training reduces risks and also helps employees protect their organization and themselves. Even small mistakes can cause bad consequences. So, It’s too important to have a workforce that has security awareness.
3 – Use our Security Awareness Training Tool to Prevent 2020 Cyber Attacks
Keepnet Labs contains all the cybersecurity solutions and security tools your organization needs.
a) Email Threat Simulation / Email Vulnerability Analysis
95% of all cyber-attacks on enterprise networks are the result of successful spear phishing.
Email Threat Simulator module regularly tests your technological investments. It imitates the attack vectors and targets your organization through emails. After, It makes unique results for the organization. The results allow you to find a weakness in your technology. Also, the results show you the necessary action against the specific attack.
Security Vulnerability Analysis aims to provide you with a summary of your organisation’s security and providing the answers to vulnerabilities. This will provide a security baseline to build a security framework to integrate security into your business planning.
b) Phishing Awareness Training / Phishing Simulation
Due to the nature of phishing, your employees have become the weak link in your cybersecurity. Our industry-leading Phishing simulation module allows you to test and quantify humans vulnerability safely and proactively by sending phishing attacks to your team. Phishing simulation also tracks their actions and reporting back to you.
Our Phishing Simulation module is fully-integrated with our Awareness Educator to automatically place employees who are caught by our phishing simulations onto suitable e-learning courses to improve their familiarity to genuine phishing attacks.
c) Security Awareness Training
Security awareness training for employees is a training process that motivates and prepares agents on cybersecurity and its applications. Many businesses develop a security awareness program to train their users on a number of subjects to teach them how to identify and contain phishing attacks or other email-based attacks or a variety of social engineering attacks. Also, Security awareness training provides you with reliability to your employees from cyberattacks.
“This post is originally published at www.keepnetlabs.com”

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