
What are 2020 Phishing Attack Techniques?


What are 2020 Phishing Attack Techniques – Fraudsters started looking for different ways to scam people on the internet nowadays. Technology develops, so do their attacking techniques. Having information on how they attack  is the best way to prevent them. In this blog, I will be taking about the phishing security issues and phishing attack techniques:

What are 2020 Phishing Attack Techniques?

1- Spear Phishing Attack

Fraudsters mostly send out millions of mails to random users but in this type, they aim at a group of people with equivalent and mutual statistics. Therefore fraudsters know the people who they are after which gets their job easier.  This type of Phishing Attack is one of the most common, users should be extra careful on Phishing Attack Solutions and their ability on how to prevent it.

2- Spam Mail Attack

This is the most common technique that fraudsters use, sending tons of spam mails to accounts on different subjects. This might be a prize that they’ve won coming up with a form asking for personal credentials or credit card details. This type of Phishing Attack is one of the most common, users should be extra careful on Phishing Attack Solutions and their ability on how to prevent it.

3- Web Based Delivery

In this attack technique, phisher stays in between the legitimate and the phishing website as gathering personal information that you type to process on the official website. During this activity, phishers gather information without victims knowing it.

4- Link Manipulation

Link manipulation is when the phisher sends you a malignant link to gather your details for evil purposes. Viewing the actual address by carefully moving your mouse on is the best precaution to prevent it.

5- Keylogging

Keyloggers simply access your keyboard and copy whatever you type on your keyboard to their display. Sites recently have developed an online keyboard used by a mouse to prevent this action.

6- Trojan Technique

Trojan is a wooden horse looking cyberattack which hides malicious purposes. It can cause devastation on computers once run. It was one of the best choices of fraudsters back in the time, it still exists but the numbers have slightly fallen compared to past.

7- Ransomware

Ransomware technique looks for victims to download a script that blocks the computer access by clicking a link and downloading it. As comes from its name, the script doesn’t let the owner access the device unless the payment is done.

8- Smishing ( SMS Phishing )

Phishing through SMS, simply is more convincing as the phone number is known. These SMS texts may include that the user has a touch with criminal or terrorist groups to make it more convincing.

9- Content Injection

Phishers simply change the underlined contents and direct users to go outside the legitimate site that they were surfing on. By this action, phishers gain access to accounts and computers.

10- Vishing ( Voice Phishing )

Phishing still stays but this time the field changes, the phishing is done through a phone call by a fake number. The phisher claims a role and demands if they were the real callers to gather personal information and bank details.

What Are the Best Phishing Security Practices?

Tutoring employees on the accurate and secure use of email and assigning them with the necessary means to know which email is malicious or non-malicious is also an important best practice for email safety.

When users receive a malicious email that bypasses the secure email gateway, they will be responsible to prevent these attacks from happening as the last line of defense. They will also be successful in preventing many attacks if they know where to look first. Cybersecurity training helps employees detect and report such malicious emails.

Cyber ​​threat intelligence has an essential place among email security best practices. With this tool, possible threats are eliminated in advance.

What Are the Best Email Security Practices?

Perform regular phishing exercises – use phishing simulation software

Employees are the first and the biggest line of defense facing phishing attacks, in advance developed spear-phishing attempts. They can happen to detect devastating email attacks and prevent them from happening. OK

Use multi-factor authentication

If the email account and passaword of the company are stolen, the multi-factor authentication will immediately keep the attacker off from gaining any further access.

Get Incident Response tools

Reporting, analyzing, quarantining, or eliminating an attack are very important processes. Get automated tools that can do all of this. Getting tools to report, analyze, quarantine or eliminate attacks creates a difference, they are very important proceedings to prevent attacks from happening.

Leverage threat intelligence

Keep on date with probable data leaks on the Dark Web and Deep Web, and stay sharp of potential attacks that could target your organization.

Consider an integrated cybersecurity solution

Integration of email security with wider security tools, check if advanced malware or emails in a field are reaching particular users or their inboxes.

Hack yourself

Attack your email inbox with various attack variants and try yourself out by simulating real attacks, Also tools such as Email Threat Simulator can release how vulnerable email is to risks and threats

Email Security Best Practices List

Information Security Training

Arrange your users against cyber attacks using information security training. Educate users with several awareness videos, cartoons, presentations, Animations, Interactive content, HTML5 Tutorials, and other extra security training content.

Phishing Simulation

Defend phishing attacks in a safe field with the latest attack techniques. Acquiring a trial on your users with various phishing themes and equiping your institution against attacks.

Test Your Email Service

Test if your email service is up to eliminate current attacks. Using real attacks to find out if they are blocked by an anti-spam or Sandbox technologies is the wisest choice.

Threat Intelligence

Using intelligence data, find out if there are any leaks that could expose your organization to danger and take cruical steps earlier on against probable attacks.

Incident Response

Perform processes such as accurately reporting dubious emails, analyzing them, scanning and detecting different alternatives within the organization, and then quarantine or deletion.

Use our Free phishing simulator for employees  –   Test your employees’ phishing vulnerabilities for free. 

Keepnet free phishing simulator tool helps businesses train their employees to detect phishing attacks and report them to users by bypassing technological measures.

See our other cyber security blogs below:

“This post is originally published at”

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